We are working on a new website. For the time being, you find all relevant information in an archived copy of our site here.
You can apply for membership or manage your existing membership by following the links. A copy of the current bylaws can be found here.
To get in touch with us by email, write to treasurer@swisspug.org for financial topics or info@swisspug.org for all other concerns. Please refer to our imprint for further details.
Thanks for your patience. The SwissPUG board.
Follow us on Mastodon | Twitter | Meetup | LinkedInFor the first time ever, SwissPUG and SOUG (Swiss Oracle User Group) are organising a joint event with exciting talks by top speakers from both worlds, Oracle and PostgreSQL. We hope that this will lead to interesting insights and discussions.
This year's Swiss PGDay will again feature two days with two tracks of great presentations, in English and German. At least one of the presentations will always be in English. All participants are invited to a networking event at the end of the first day (Thursday). There will also be a poster exhibition and Lightning Talks where attendees can share their projects, ideas and use cases.
After the successful meetings in 2020 and 2023 we are going to extend the event at CERN to a one-day one-track PGDay in Suisse Romande. Please see the dedicated event page for all information!
This talk first explores PostgreSQL's query optimization capabilities, such as statistics updates, query and index optimization, and database configuration tuning. It then delves into machine learning-based, automated query optimization by introducing BALSA and LEON. LEON is based on BALSA, and both are innovative frameworks from academia. LEON combines machine learning with traditional rule-based techniques. BALSA hooks into the PostgreSQL query planner with the pg_hint_plan extension. LEON involves plan ranking and cost model calibration, which needs to change the PostgreSQL source code, which in turn requires recompiling it. The talk will conclude with a Q&A session, providing a platform for discussion on the present and future of automated query optimization. After the talk, there will be an opportunity for a free exchange of ideas about the world's most advanced open source multi-model database.
The Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group and dbi services kindly invites all PostgreSQL professionals and enthusiasts living or working in Switzerland to a networking dinner on the 24th of October, 2024, after the second conference day at this year's PGConf Europe in Athens, Greece.
The Swiss PostgreSQL Conference - This year's Swiss PGDay will last two days with two tracks of great presentations, in English and German. At least one of the presentations will be in English at all times. All participants are invited to a social event at the end of the first day (Thursday) to enjoy networking and personal exchange. There will also be a poster exhibition and lightning talks where participants can share their projects, ideas and use cases.
Registered Members receive the PIN code for the meeting by email.
The Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group and dbi services kindly invites all PostgreSQL professionals and enthusiasts living or working in Switzerland to a networking dinner on the 14th of December, 2023, after the second conference day at this year's PGConf Europe in Prague, Czechia.
Diese Präsentation stellt DuckDB vor, ein quelloffenes, eingebettetes / prozessinternes und relationales Datenbankmanagementsystem. DuckDB enthält eine spaltenorientierte,
vektorisierte SQL-Abfrage-Engine. Dann wird ein einfacher Performance-Benchmark vorgestellt, der DuckDB mit PostgreSQL und Python Pandas vergleicht. Er besteht aus zwei Szenarien: Das erste Szenario misst das
Schreiben (Update) von Daten. Das zweite Szenario ist ein Online Analytical Processing Setup, das die Ausführungszeiten misst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das noch junge Projekt DuckDB und die damit verbundenen
Techniken (in-process, columnar, vectorized) ein grosses Potential insbesondere für OLAP und Data Science/Machine Learning haben.
Im Anschluss besteht die Möglichkeit zum freien Austausch rund um PostgreSQL.
The Swiss conference on PostgreSQL - the world's most advanced open source database. Take the opportunity to meet with other people interested in PostgreSQL in Switzerland. As usual, the talks will be presented in two parallel tracks, one in German and one in English.
For this year's edition of the SwissPGDay we will go for one and half days for the first time. This allows to host a community party at the end of the first day (Thursday) and to give people enough time for traveling home on Friday.
We are hosting a joint event with SIX on March 23, 2023. There is no charge to attend, and SIX will kindly offer food and drinks. Three sessions are planned:
15:30 Couchbase - Cloud Native Data Platform (by Michael Hirschberg)
16:30 PostgreSQL still going strong (by Jan Karremans)
17:30 Synthetic Data Generation with PostgreSQL (by Prof. Stefan Keller)
18:30 Apéro
20:00 End
We look forward to seeing you there.
Topics: Next level of automation with Event-Driven Ansible & PostgreSQL in Enterprises
In diesem Webinar geht es um Datenbankmigrations-Techniken am Beispiel des Datenbanksystems PostgreSQL und Erfahrungen mit den zwei Open-Source Tools LiquiBase und Flyway. Anschliessend gibt es ein informelles Beisammensein mit «Ask me Anything» über PostgreSQL.
Alle Software- und Data Science-Projekte mit Datenbanksystemen müssen früher oder später das Datenbank-Schema ändern. Dann müssen die (Kunden-)Daten migriert werden; dies am besten automatisiert und ohne lange Ausfallzeit. Sowohl Liquibase als auch Flyway bieten Versionskontrolle für Datenbanksystemen, was die Schema-Migration vereinfacht und die Effizienz von Software-Entwicklern steigert.
Dieses Webinar ist Teil des Master-Studiums in Data und Computer Science an der OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule und wird in Kooperation mit der Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group organisiert.
Registered Members receive the PIN code for the meeting by email.
The Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group and dbi services kindly invites all PostgreSQL professionals and enthusiasts living or working in Switzerland to a networking dinner on the 25th of October, 2022, after the Training sessions day at this year's PGConf Europe in Berlin, Germany.